Let's start by reading why Y-Combinator accelerator group went with the name:

The Y combinator is one of the coolest ideas in computer science. It's also a metaphor for what we do. It's a program that runs programs; we're a company that helps start companies.
Why did you choose the name “Y Combinator?

"A program that runs programs" seems cool, but what is it like?
Y = λf.(λx.f(x x))(λx.f(x x))
And in JavaScript:
Y = f => (x => x(x))(x => f(y => x(x)(y))).

How is this helpful?
Essentially, it helps us write recursive code when recursion is not supported by the programming language; and so is not needed with most modern ones.
Though let's explore it more together, it'll be fun!

Let's start with the classic recursion example, factorial:

const factorial = n => (n === 1 ? n : n * factorial(n - 1))
factorial(5) // 120

This works because the function refers to itself by name. What if that's not possible? Imagine mapping over an array, using an anonymous function.
Or need for a recursive arrow function to be passed as a property. Like:

  calculation={n => (n === 1 ? n : n * factorial(n - 1))}

Won't work.

Again, yes, there are workarounds, and most of them are better solutions;
But we are here for fun.

So let's use the Y-combinator:

	calculation={Y(factorial => n => n === 1 ? n : n * factorial(n - 1))}

How does it work?
We need to learn some calculus; but not now. Let's tackle if differently. The hard way.

Move back a bit.
Imagine a function.
We want more of it.
We call it, and we get even more.
f => f.f, or f => f(f).

But a function definition does not do anything. We need to run it, and for that, it requires an argument.
But what?
How about itself?

const loop = f => f(f)
loop(loop) // Maximum call stack size exceeded

Execution, Forever!
We are getting there.
But one may ask, aren't we still using the name to implement recursion?
Yet, similar to how: (x => x + 1)(3) // 4
we could write: (fn => fn(fn))(fn => fn(fn)).
We're back.

We have an infinite execution – a recursive function without a base-case to halt it.

Let's revisit our factorial function:
n => n === 1 ? n : n * factorial(n - 1)
but what factorial? It's not defined.
We need a function to call, and cannot reference it by name. Alternative?
We could pass it as a parameter:

factorial => n => n === 1 ? n : n * factorial(n - 1)

Recall loop function from before: f => f(f). Applying the same idea, we would have:

factorial => n => n === 1 ? n : n * factorial(factorial)(n - 1)

We ran loop like: loop(loop). So too for our factorial function, we should:
factorial(factorial)(5) and get back 120!

So far we have:

const rec_factorial =
	factorial => n => n === 1 ? n : n * factorial(factorial)(n - 1)

rec_factorial(rec_factorial)(5) // 120

Let's refactor it using the loop function we had:

const loop = f => f(f)

const factorial = fact => n => n === 1 ? n : n * loop(fact)(n - 1)
loop(factorial)(5) // 120

Two problems though. It's not quite right to

  • know we should pass factorial to loop to execute it on loop(factorial)(5). It belongs to factorial implementation.
  • mix loop with factorial's internal logic. loop(fact)(n-1) is mixing different matters; it's noisy.

For the first problem, we move loop into the factorial implementation:

const loop = f => f(f)
const factorial = fn => loop(fact => n => n === 1 ? n : n * loop(fact)(n - 1))(fn)

factorial(5) // 120

Note we can remove fn, similar to:

const increase = x => x + 1
[1, 2, 3].map(x => increase(x))
[1, 2, 3].map(increase)

We can write:

const loop = f => f(f)
const factorial = loop(fact => n => n === 1 ? n : n * loop(fact)(n - 1))

factorial(5) // 120

And for the second issue, we could use a helper:

const loop = f => f(f)
const factorial = loop(fact => n => {
	const f = loop(fact)
	return n === 1 ? n : n * f(n - 1)

The return line is more readable now, but the function…
It contains the logic for both recursion,
and factorial computation.
How about we separate them?

const loop = f => f(f)
const recursion = fn => loop(g => n => {
	const loop_g = loop(g) // replace g, with loop(g), so fn does not need to know about it

	return fn(loop_g)(n)

const factorial_logic = fact => n => {
	return n === 1 ? n : n * fact(n - 1)

const factorial = recursion(factorial_logic)

factorial(5) // 120

Much better.
And we should be able to remove n inside recursion function, right?

const recursion = fn => loop(g => {
	const loop_g = loop(g) // Maximum call stack size exceeded
	return fn(loop_g)

Our intermediary function loop_g is getting executed, but it should have waited for a parameter (the one we just removed). Let's fix it:

const recursion = fn => loop(g => {
	const loop_g = n => loop(g)(n)
	return fn(loop_g)

Improve the styling now and make things inline:

const loop = f => f(f)
const recursion = fn => loop(g => fn(n => loop(g)(n)))
const factorial = recursion(fact => n => n === 1 ? n : n * fact(n - 1))

factorial(5) // 120

Now remove the loop function by changing:

  • loop(g) to g(g)
  • loop(g => ...) to (f => f(f))(g => ...)

We would have:

const recursion = fn => (f => f(f))(g => fn(n => g(g)(n)))
// as we saw  Y =  f => (x => x(x))(x =>  f(y => x(x)(y)))
